14.35 - 16.00 | Session 8: Advanced and developmental microscopy
Chairs: Louse Cole and Senthil Arumugam
14.35 - 15.15 | Vendor Talks
- Imaging Biological Structures of cells below 100nm using SIM
Carl Zeiss – Gavin Symonds - Adaptive Optics and Adaptive Illumination – Key Ingredients for 3D and Live Cell STED superresolution
Lastek – Carola Thoni - Latest developments of Luxendo lightsheet in advancing Life Science applications
Scitech – Zheng Chao
(3 x 10min + 5 min Q&A)
15.10 - 16.00 | Scientific Presentations
- Cellular remodelling during necroptosis characterized by live cell imaging
Dr Ying Zhang, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute - A super-resolution microscopy study of drug-induced microtubule filament dysfunction
Dr Ashley Rozario, Monash - Building and Using a Multifunctional Single Molecule/Super-Resolution Microscope
Dr Donna Whelan, La Trobe University - Imaging of interactions and inhibition of hGIIA in prostate cancer cells
Mr Timothy Mann, Western Sydney University
(4 x 10min + 10min Q&A)
Chat Transcript
00:20:45 Liisa Hirvonen: Thanks Gavin, really beautiful images, looks like a very versatile instrument! Will you get a demo system to Australia?
00:24:13 Gavin Symonds: Hello Liisa. Yes, the Elyra 7 is a very versatlie instrument. We have Elyra 7 instruments installed in Australia, although due to COVID this makes things more complicated. But we can discuss getting you some exposure to the Elyra 7 instrument.
00:28:35 Gavin Symonds: Also Liisa, ZEISS will be hosting an Elyra 7 workshop next Wednesday afternoon, that everyone is welcome to attend. Please visit the ZEISS virtual booth on the LMA website for further details.
00:29:13 Liisa Hirvonen: Thanks Gavin! 🙂
00:31:10 Louise Cole: Please remember to post your questions in the chat
00:42:28 Renee Whan: @chao, does the lattice beam alignment occur predominantly automatically or manually?
00:42:54 Senthil Arumugam: @Chao – are multiple wavelength sequential through the SLM?
00:43:04 Liisa Hirvonen: Bruker/Luxendo: very nice developments! But looks like you have lots of different microscopes for different applications. What would you recommend for a core facility that needs to cater for lots of different researchers, samples and applications?
00:46:57 Louise Cole: @gavin Does SIM2 allows live cell imaging on the fly. It was not clear to me.
00:47:47 Louise Cole: @carola I am interested in how deep one can image with the Easy 3D STED mode
00:47:50 Andleeb: Carola can you please share registration link to join STED workshop?
00:48:57 Chao Zheng: @Renee, the lattice beam alignment on InVi lattice is a one time hardware alignment during installation to correct any optical shifts/movement during shipments, once it is aligned, during the daily usage, all alignments are motorized, one can accurately align the system in software within a few minutes.
00:53:11 Louise Cole: @Zheng Chao you have a wide-range of LISH microscopes available – how important is the size of the microscope footprint when developing commercial LISH technology? Do you think we will ever to get the point where these microscopes are portable and could be used in the field or clinical settings
00:55:08 Carola Thoni: We were running the workshop already at the 3rd of August. But we recorded all. Here is the link to the recording:
00:55:30 Chao Zheng: @Senthil, InVi lattice supports simultaneous dual channel detection, however, for lattice imaging, we advise user to image multichannel sequentially, because same lattice pattern does not give best image quality for different wavelength. Slight tweak of lattice beam parameter is needed when switching to different wavelength. However, instead of switching mechanical filter wheels, we will support fast switching of excitation lasers to minimize acquisition time difference between channels. simultaneous multi channel acquisition using Gaussian/Bessel beam has no issue.
00:56:05 Carola Thoni: Here is the link to the workshop recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/5666596373782161420
00:56:24 Andleeb: Thank You @Carola
00:56:28 Gavin Symonds: @Louise. Direct or External processing is available that can be peformed on the Lattice SIM or Apotome SIM data as it is being acquired using an offline storage computer. SIM^2 processing can be peformed on Lattice SIM image data, as well as Apotome SIM data. And the SIM^2 can be peformed when combined with other processing methods such as Burst mode and Leap mode.
00:56:28 Senthil Arumugam: @Chao, Thanks
00:57:13 Louise Cole: Thanks @gavin
00:58:06 Chao Zheng: @Liise Yes, indeed. it is hard to suggest one system for all possible applications, because it can range from single layer cell to whole cleared organs/animals. However, MuVi-SPIM do cover the widest range of applications, including organoids, fishes, c-elegans, plants, and cleared samples up to 15mm.
00:58:35 Liisa Hirvonen: Thanks Chao! 🙂
00:58:49 Louise Cole: That is good to know – thanks @zheng chao
00:59:06 Renee Whan: @Ying, im wondering what stain you used to look at your F-actin in your experiments. What you think the role of actin is specifically related to necroptosis?
01:03:02 Carola Thoni: Combining Easy3D STED, Adaptive Illumination and Deformable Mirror we can image more than 100 µm in tissue. I have seen 120 µm deep STED imaging in muscle tissue with the Abberior Instruments Facility Line STED system we just installed in Auckland.
01:04:24 Louise Cole: That’s great – thanks @Caarola
01:05:46 Renee Whan: @ash, segmenting each microtubule is not particularly easy when do tracing, could you tell us a little about how SIFNE works?
01:09:30 Chao Zheng: @Louise the size of footprint is not that critical for research labs, normally space is not the biggest constrains in labs, instead, user friendly imaging and maintenance are. It is an very interesting idea to make lightsheet microscope portable, and it does make sense because it is one of the best microscope techniques to acquire 3D long time lapse images. and the latest development is to combine lightsheet with light field to have video-frame-rate 3D image acquisitions. the smallest lightsheet microscope is roughly of luggage size now, it will take more efforts to make it really portable in the future.
01:11:38 Renee Whan: MORE COFFEE
01:11:55 Samantha Stehbens: @ashley- I may have missed it. Do you have insight to the mechanism of curvature in the polymer in response to the drug? Are you planning to test other microtubule drugs?
01:16:09 Oleks Chernyavskiy: @Louise: There is The Flamingo Project describing portable LS microscope by Jan Huisken: “Designed as a portable, shareable light sheet microscope, Flamingo essentially shrinks a tabletop-sized technology down to the weight and dimensions of a suitcase.” https://morgridge.org/research/medical-engineering/huisken-lab/flamingo/
01:19:52 Louise Cole: Thank you @Oleks
01:27:35 Harrison York: @ying you mentioned that MLKL is actively trafficked to the PM and that it was dependent on the cytoskeleton. Have you investigated which motor proteins might be involved or through which compartments it is trafficked?
01:32:17 radek: @ying have you looked at involvement of nuclear actin in seen phenotype, or is it purely a cytoplasmic portion of actin that is required form MLKL foci formation?
01:34:11 Samantha Stehbens: Thank-you Ashley!
Imaging of interactions and inhibition of hGIIA in prostate cancer cells
Mr Timothy Mann, PhD Student, Western Sydney University
A/Prof Kieran Scott, Western Sydney University
Dr William Church, Sydney University
Dr Anya Salih, Fluoresci Research
Ms Mila Sajinovic, Ingham Institute
A/Prof Albert Mellick, UNSW
Dr Ryung Rae Kim, SpeeDX
Inflammation, a hallmark of cancer, is driven in part by activation of a fatty acid oxidation pathway that generates a myriad of signalling lipids termed eicosanoids. The eicosanoid pathway, begins with the rate-limiting step of release of the 20-carbon fatty acid arachidonic acid from phospholipid membranes, predominantly by phospholipase A2 (PLA2). The secreted PLA2,? hGIIA, is aberrantly over-expressed in prostate cancer (PCa), increases eicosanoid production and PCa cell proliferation, making it an attractive target for inhibition.
This research uses live imaging of tagged hGIIA in prostate cancer cell lines to identify that hGIIA enters the cell through autocrine and paracrine pathways, and is sequestered into the caveolae. Vesicle tracking found that hGIIA docks to vimentin and is trafficked around the cell. Direct binding of hGIIA to vimentin is confirmed with FLIM-FRET and Co-IP. Furthermore, the cyclic peptide c2, currently in clinical trial for the treatment of PCa, inhibits the hGIIA/vimentin interaction in vitro. c2 is autofluorescent with a unique fluorescent lifetime, allowing live cell imaging of c2 entry into the cell which colocalises with hGIIA in caveolae. Treatment of cells with c2 also results in altered vimentin filament organisation and hGIIA movement around the cell. These studies show that vimentin is likely involved in hGIIA’s proliferative effect, and that c2’s mechanism of action is likely through perturbation of the novel hGIIA vimentin interaction.
Building and Using a Multifunctional Single Molecule/Super-Resolution Microscope
Dr Donna Whelan, DECRA Fellow, La Trobe University
This seminar will detail the design, build, and use of a bespoke, multimodal/super-resolution fluorescence microscope which we have established at La Trobe, Bendigo. In particular, I will describe how this setup was built with increased flexibility and a more user-friendly nature, compared to previous custom and commercial options. I will also detail the pipeline for our current single-molecule/super-resolution experiments from sample preparation and design, through acquisition and image rendering, and finally analysis. This includes recent results in the field of DNA damage and repair which identified previously unknown mechanisms in damage mitigation and disease avoidance(1, 2). Other applications that will be highlighted – all using the same microscope – have made use of fluorescence single particle tracking and darkfield microscopy in studies addressing motor neuron disease(3), anti-viral response(4), and metabolism(5, 6).
1.Whelan DR, et al. Plos Genetics. 2020;16(12): e1009256.
2.Whelan DR, Rothenberg E. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021;118(11):e2021963118.
3.Konopka A, et al. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 2020;15(1):51.
4.Monson EA, Whelan DR, Helbig KJ. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(9).
5.Sievers W, et al. Plos One. 2020;15(7):e0236286.
6.Van Schaik L, et al. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):113.
A super-resolution microscopy study of drug-induced microtubule filament dysfunction
Dr Ashley Rozario, Research Assistant, Monash University
Dr Sam Duwé, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Mr Cade Elliott, Monash University
Mr Riley Hargreaves, Monash University
Dr Gregory Moseley, Monash University
A/Prof Peter Dedecker, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Dr Donna Whelan, La Trobe University
Dr Toby Bell, Monash University
The microtubule (MT) network comprises tubular filaments ~25 nm wide and serves vital roles in cellular transport, structural integrity and cell division. The importance of MTs for cell health has motivated the characterization of MT dysfunction caused by anticancer drugs to better understand drug mechanisms. Direct observation of individual MT filaments in situ can be achieved using super-resolution microscopies that surpass the 200 - 300 nm diffraction limit of conventional imaging methods. Single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) reaches as good as 20-nm spatial resolution, ideal for interrogating individual MT filaments in fixed cells. To image MTs in live cells, fluctuation correlation-based microscopy (SOFI) provides milder imaging conditions (i.e. low laser power) for subdiffraction time-lapse movies of live-cell MT filament dynamics.
Here we apply complementary super-resolution imaging strategies for a holistic perspective of MT dysfunction induced by low doses of antimitotic drug colcemid. SMLM shows MT filament curvature to be more pronounced, increasing with colcemid concentrations from 7 - 80 nM. Aberrant filament curvature induced by 50 - 80 nM of colcemid, quantified using SIFNE, was found to reach up to 2 µm/rad, a value associated with MT filament breakage. Higher colcemid doses at 100 and 200 nM revealed short and few MT filaments, suggesting MT fragmentation as a possible drug mechanism. Live cell SOFI reveals MT filament dynamics to be suppressed with as low as 18 nM of colcemid without aberrant filament curvature present.
Cellular remodelling during necroptosis characterized by live cell imaging
Dr Ying Zhang, Research Officer, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Dr Niall Geoghegan, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Dr Andre Samson, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Dr Kelly Rogers, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
A/Prof James Murphy, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Prof Guillaume Lessene, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Necroptosis is a form of caspase-independent programmed cell death that has been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Necroptosis is executed by the activation of RIPK3 and MLKL that leads to the assembly of necrosome and subsequent rupture of plasma membrane. Due to the release of cell content, such as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), from ruptured membrane, necroptosis triggers inflammatory responses. Currently, the key biological markers that can distinguish necroptosis from other types of cell death is MLKL phosphorylation and membrane translocation, while the morphological changes, the release of DAMPs and the process of MLKL activation have not been well characterized.
Here, we employed Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy (LLSM) that can quickly generate three-dimensional (3D) super-resolution images with very limited phototoxicity to monitor the process of necroptosis in live cells. We observed a series of necroptosis-specific morphological changes and reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and further explored their relationships with DAMPs release. Our study also focuses on MLKL and investigated the involvement and the role of this pseudo-kinase in the process of cellular remodelling. This work provides new insight into the cellular events associated with necroptotic cell death with potential implications for fundamental and translational research.
Latest developments of Luxendo lightsheet in advancing Life Science applications
Zheng Chao, Scitech
In the past few years, light sheet microscopy has greatly expanded its use in biological research. Its unique advantage of capturing images of whole organisms and tissues in real time has brought researchers into an exciting new era. This discussion focusses on recent developments of lightsheet microscopy from Luxendo. Some of the exciting new developments including photo-manipulation module, TAG lens and MEMS module, Lattice lightsheet module as well as optimized big data processing algorithms. Brief introduction of the technologies, functionalities and applications will be presented in the workshop.
Adaptive Optics and Adaptive Illumination - Key Ingredients for 3D and Live cell STED superresolution
Carola Thoni, Lastek
Imaging Biological Structures of cells below 100nm using SIM
Gavin Symonds, Carl Zeiss
There are a number of imaging techniques that provide resolution below the diffraction limit of the optical microscope. However imaging of biological structures below 100nm, not only for fixed samples but especially for live cells, presents a number of challenges. These challenges include the choice of special fluorescent markers and sample chemistry, potentially high laser powers at the sample plane, and extended image acquisition times depending on the technique. Double the traditional SIM resolution is now possible with a new dual iterative processing method implemented as SIM^2. With this presentation we will briefly introduce the concept of SIM and SIM^2 processing, and show several examples.